
The heart of New Zealand's geothermal area Rotorua is renowned for its geysers, bubbling mud pools and sulfurous odours. It left a lasting impression on my senses. I must go back again to explore it further.  

The Wikipedia entry for Rotorua is here.


A lovely night view of one of the buildings in Rotorua. Oh....and it rains quite a lot there!

The Lady Knox Geyser duly erupted after it had received a dose of detergent emetic to get it working.

Lots and lots of geothermal activity everywhere here.

The Champagne Lake at Wai-O-Tapu Geothermal Park. Beautiful colours - though I've tasted much better champagne than this (only joking).

Another view showing the extensive steam clouds over the (scalding hot) lake.

The Green Lake. Need any more be said?

A bubbling sulfurous pool with ample deposits of sulfur coating the rocks.

A scene near the Wai-O-Tapu Park. Rather Jurassic in appearance. I half expected a T-Rex to poke its head out from behind one of the tree ferns.

The largest "large latte" I've ever seen (or tried to drink) available at the Wai-O-Tapu Park. More accurately described as "mega" - I had the "caffeine shakes" by the time I'd finished it! Nice though. An Aussie 20c piece is there for scale.


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